Imagine Pot Was Legal. How Would You Brand It?

Print Magazine asked four designers to imagine what a legal pot package might look like. Here's what they produced.

Lust, a graphic design practice in Amsterdam, tackled the controversy of the product head-on---albeit in a very dry, very arch manner. They opted to cover the package in infographics about weed, and its effects--which they claim would create an anti-brand brand, and also, presumably, turn the product into something more neutral than the demon weed. The only stoner reference is the Jamaican & Rastafarian color themes:

The New York office of Base worked with its branches in Europe, to create a goofy nod towards weed's illegal past, with containers made from repurposed packaging from other brands--in other words, a reference to the stash boxes ubitquitous in dorm rooms all over the country:

Strømme Throndsen, an Olso firm that won the 2009 Award for Design Excellence for its flour packaging, produced the design strategy most likely to make it to the real world: Their packaging concept is modular, with a big box containing smaller packages, so that the user need only take whatever they need with them. Inside, the invididual cases could be branded to suit different demographics--which, by the looks of it, would include a red-eyed Apple designer and Paris Hilton:

The Heads of State, a Philadelphia duo comprising Jason Kernevich and Dustin Summers, wanted to stick with the illicit connotations of the drug--pointing out that to eliminate that bad-boy rep is to do a disservice to the product (and it's various brand connotations). So they kept the whole "bag of weed" concept, and branded the various strains with goofy stickers:

Read more about all the entries at Print.

Thank you brazer!!!


Lebanon: Working On Our Image (as a response to my last post)

While Messrs Aoun, Nasrallah, Franjieh and the fabulously-named Zahle in the Heart bloc are hunkering down for the final showdown over who gets what portfolios, something called the National Brand Perception Index or NBPI has published its findings. Lebanon ranked 174th among 200 countries around the world and – and this part is really disgraceful – 15th among the 19 countries that make up the MENA region. The ranking is supposed to indicate the strength of a country’s brand by monitoring how often it appears in the media, but warns that frequency does not necessarily reflect quality. Ouch!

It is probably a dream too far to suppose that one of the priorities of the next government will be to improve on this mediocre placing; a feat made even more mediocre when one considers that much of Lebanon’s brand awareness is negative. A random survey taken in any major capital would probably indicate that people associate Lebanon more with instability, kidnapping, war, Hezbollah and terrorism than its undisputed assets. Wars have a habit of making it onto the front pages with greater ease than the Temple of Jupiter or a bottle of Chateau Musar.

Other, less-smug countries spend hundreds of millions every year in advertising themselves. They sell a dream to encourage investment, to promote key products or simply just to tell people to come and visit. You might argue, especially today when finding a decent table at a restaurant or a place to park is a herculean struggle, that Lebanon has enough visitors, but if the country is to move beyond its role as a playground for Gulf visitors and the diaspora, it needs to evolve.

The country benefitted from 9/11. When smoke cleared from Ground Zero and the US saddled up its horses, downtown Beirut opened for business, conveniently offering Arabs wary of vacationing in Europe and the US an alternative destination, one that spoke their language, didn’t judge their habits and wouldn’t humiliate them at passport control. They came and they spent, and we loved them for it.

But Lebanon has been sitting on its laurels and the world has moved on. This week in London, a 5-star hotel hosted an exhibition of luxury goods – watches, cars, and jewelry and the like – aimed at an Arab market perceived as being unaffected by the recent recession. Unabashed in its ostentation, it was an equally brazen attempt to woo Gulf high-rollers, perceived as the world’s biggest consumers of high-end items. The message was clear. London, at least, was screaming “we want you back.” If the rest of Europe behaves in a similar way, Lebanon will lose some of its luster. And then what?

Lebanon is not geared up for the non-Arab tourist: security perceptions, environmental realities and the lack of an infrastructure for anything more adventurous than a nargelieh will ensure they choose Croatia, Slovenia or any of the obscure Balkan or Baltic nations that have recognized and are selling their potential in the global marketplace.

It’s been said so often it’s become a cliché, but with the right focus Lebanon could be a truly international destination offering a glittering bouquet of attractions in such a small area. So far, all attempts to burnish Lebanon’s reputation have come from the private sector with almost zero government help.

No wonder no one wants the Tourism Ministry.

Article from NowLebanon. Thanks Mohamad!

Paris Tops Ranking in Global City Image and Brand Study

GfK Roper Public Affairs & Media, a division of GfK Custom Research North America, today announced highlights from the 2009 Anholt-GfK Roper City Brands IndexSM (CBI) report, which captures consumer perception of the image and reputation of 50 major cities worldwide.

Paris ranks as the top overall city "brand”, followed by Sydney, London, Rome and New York. The top 10 cities from the global survey are:

"The index measures the world’s perception of each city, which influences people’s choices on where to live, work and vacation,” says Simon Anholt, CBI founder. "Particularly in the face of today’s uncertain economic climate, it’s vital to understand the forces and opinions that drive business towards and away from these cities.”

The index is based on a global survey in which respondents from across 20 major developed and developing countries are asked to rate their agreement with statements about each of 50 cities. The ranking is developed by averaging city scores across the index’s six categories: Presence (knowledge of city and perception of its global contribution), Place (cleanliness, aesthetic qualities and climate), Pre-requisites (affordable accommodations and quality of public amenities), People (friendliness, personal encounters and cultural diversity), Pulse (interesting events, activities and lifestyles) and Potential (perception as good place to do business, to find a job and to go to school).


Neat Meat Rugs (although Im a vegetarian!)


Bikini Mark



This promotional ad was for the launch of Clearasil, a new acne pill. The creative solution was to use the same container to give the message: “May this be the last time. The end of acne starts wih Clearasil.” At the back of each sachet are drawings of faces with acne that -when you press the sachet to take the pill- the grain of the print is removed. A little disgusting, but very effective!


Time Clock



The LightLane is a concept design that uses lasers to project an illuminated bike lane all around you wherever you go. It keeps you visible to cars and it keeps you safe. Until all cities put in bike lanes for cyclist safety, we might have to rely on clever devices like this to stay safe.


Rainbow Glasses

The structure of the glasses has an internal channel where the colourful ink passes through, painting it with the colours you desire, allowing you to have a different look every time you want.


Baby Luxury Car Logos

So cute!!!


Ribbon Staircase

via woohome

Creative Rugs

via Trend Insight

If Beds Could Talk...

via FromKeetra

Brooklyn Fare's Creative Packaging

Looks like someone is taking cheap shots at Starbucks.

via My Modern Metropolis

Better View Blind by Elina Aalto

Elina Aalto's cityscape blinds come in four city flavors; Paris, Tokyo, Helsinki and Stockholm. A series of perforated black out roller blinds.

Light seeps in through the small cut out holes creating an image of a city by night. The cut-outs represent the light in the windows of apartment buildings and office complexes in the city. The images represent a selection of cities that Elina has traveled to in the last few years and the photographs are by her.

via MoCo Loco

RingRing by Chao & Eero

Urban art/graffiti inspired jewelry.

via MoCo Loco

FREITAG Limited Art Edition 2009

The Contemporary Art of Art Recycling. The furiously Limited Art Edition of FREITAG bags is made from banners of the world’s most sizzling Contemporary Art Museums. Beautiful!

via The Magenta Links

Find Your Problem and Solve It

Designed by ChappsMalina, Little Fury & Help Remedies from United States. This is just simply to get to your problem point and solve it.

via Cool Design Concept + Ideas
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